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Previous Symposia

Previous Symposia (2005-2023)

 2024Symposium I: The Future of Future Thinking: Toward an Integrated Science of Prospective Cognition (PS Leading Edge Workshop Initiative | Organizers: Karl Szpunar and Donna Rose Addis)
Symposium II: Understanding and Combating Misinformation Spread: The Role of Individual Differences, Sociocognitive Correlates, and Artificial Intelligence (Organized by Taylor M. Curley)
Symposium III: Climate Change and Human Cognition (Symposium on Cognition, Behavior, and Society) (Organized by James Pomerantz)
Symposium IV: New Frontiers in the Cognitive Sciences of Music and Health (Organizers: Daniel J. Levitin and Assal Habibi)
Symposium V: How Does Meaning Come to Mind? Advances in Understanding Conceptual Knowledge (Organizers: Veronica Diveica, Emiko Muraki, and Penny Pexman)

Symposium I: Temporal dynamics of affect and surprise shape laboratory and real-world memories (Organized by James W. Antony)
Symposium II: The bright and dark side of technological development: a window on its impact on physical, psychological and social well-being across the life-span (Organizers: Chiara Fini and Dimitris Bolis)
Symposium III: Diversity in Disability: Evidence from Disability Identity and Research (special D&I symposium organized by Jill Shelton)
Symposium IV: Attentional control as a psychometric construct: Challenges and responses (Organizers: Julia M Haaf and Alodie Rey-Mermet)
Symposium V: Finding the Way: Advances in Spatial Navigation Research (Organizers: Steven Weisberg and Nora Newcombe)


Symposium I: Visual Statistical Learning and Attention: A Two-Way Street (Organized by Louisa Bogaerts)
Symposium II: Bridging the Gap Between Spoken and Written Language Research (Organized by Kristi Hendrickson)
Symposium III: Facilitating Belonging, Inclusion, and Equity in STEM (Special Symposium) (Organized by Timothy J. Nokes Malach and Mary A. Peterson)
Symposium IV: Age-Related Patterns for Memory and Future Projections During the COVID-19 Pandemic. (Organized by Lauren L. Richmond)
Symposium V: Co-Registration of Eye Movements and EEG (Leading Edge Workshop) (Organized by Elizabeth R. Schotter, Brennan R. Payne, and Trafton Drew)


Symposium I: The Information Exchange Between Working Memory and Long-Term Memory (Organized by Lea Bartsch, Vanessa Loaiza, and Eda Mizrak)
Symposium II: Beyond the Button Press: Studying the Mind Through Drawings (Organized by J. Brendan Ritchie and Benjamin van Buren)
Symposium III: Moving Beyond Cognitive Universals (Special Symposium) Co-Sponsored by the SPARK Society (Organized by Belem G. López, Angela Gutchess, and Ayanna Thomas)
Symposium IV: Advancing Cognition Through Adversarial Collaboration: The Case of Working and Long-Term Memory (Leading Edge Workshop (Organized by Robert H. Logie)
Symposium V: The Reliability Paradox: Current Issues, Partial Solutions, and Future Directions (Organized by Brandon Turner and Mark Pitt)


Symposium I: Estimating and Communicating Probabilistic Information (Organized by Mandeep K. Dhami)
Symposium II: How Do We Decide What Is True? (Organized by Lisa K. Fazio and Sarah J. Barber)
Symposium III: Age Differences in Episodic Memory Control Processes (Organized by M. Karl Healey and Karen L. Campbell)
Symposium IV: Seeing Race in Cognitive Psychology (Special symposium) (Organized by Angela Gutchess and Sarah E. Gaither)
Symposium V: Emerging Research on Creative Cognition and Neuroscience of Insight (Organized by Carola Salvi, Steve M. Smith, and Jennifer Wiley)
Symposium VI: Cognitive Off-Loading and Prospective Memory (Organized by Hunter Ball and Gene A. Brewer)
Symposium VII: Using Network Science to Understand Language (Organized by Debra Titone and Michael S. Vitevitch)


Symposium I: What Memory Quirks, Hiccups and Odd Phenomena Tell Us (Organized by Bennett L. Schwartz, Zehra F. Peynircioglu, and Anne M. Cleary)
Symposium II: Re-organizing our Understanding of Semantic and Episodic Memory (Organized by Louis Renoult and Signy Sheldon)
Symposium III: Seeking Explicit Cognitive Processes in Animals (Organized by Barbara A. Church and J. David Smith)
Symposium IV: Beyond a Single Participant: Interactive Social Cognition in Dyads and Groups
 (Organized by Jelena Ristic)


Generalization in Language and Memory (Organized by Jelena Mirkovic and M. Gareth Gaskell)
Should Statistics Determine the Practice of Science, or Science Determine the Practice of Statistics? (Organized by Richard M. Shiffrin)
Medical Image Perception and Decision Making (Organized by Trafton Drew)
What Speech Prosody Can Tell Us About Cognition (Organized by Cassandra Jacobs)
Leading Edge Workshop Symposium: Time for Action: Reaching for a Better Understanding of the Dynamics of Cognition (Organized by Joo-Hyun Song and Timothy Welsh)


Dual Process Theory 2.0(Organized by Wim De Neys)
Improving Use of Statistical Inference in Science (Organized by Don van Ravenzwaaij)
Leading Edge Workshop Symposium: Beyond the Lab: Using Big Data to Discover Principles of Cognition (Organized by Gary Lupyan and Robert Goldstone)
When Man Bites Dog: What do Developmental Reversals tell Us about Cognitive Development, Aging, and the Brain (Organized by Vladimir M. Sloutsky)
50 Years of Implicit Learning Research: A Symposium in Honor of Arthur S. Reber (Organized by Paul J. Reber)


Model-based Cognitive Neuroscience (Organized by Thomas J. Palmeri and Brandon M. Turner)
Motivated Memory: Considering the Functional Role of Memory (Organized by Christopher R. Madan)
Language by Mouth and by Hand (Organized by Iris Berent and Susan Goldin-Meadow)
Leading Edge Workshop Symposium: The Evolutionary and Psychological Significance of Play, In honor of Stanley J. Kuczaj, II (Organized by Lance J. Miller 
and Alex de Voogt)


Individual Differences in Executive Function and Related Processes (Organized by Marie Banich & Randy Engle)
Leading Edge Workshop Symposium: The Process of Explanation (Organized by Andrei Cimpian)
From Thought to Action: Cognitive & Neural Mechanisms in Writing (Organized by Brenda Rapp & Michael McCloskey)
Enhancing Education Through Cognitive Psychology (Organized by Alice F. Healy & Michael C. Moser)


Multi-Voxel Pattern Analyses of Source Memory (Organized by Karen Mitchell)
Cognitive Science in the Attention Economy (Organized by Sean Lane and Paul Atchley)
Memory, Sleep and Dreams (Organized by Richard Schweickert)
New Ideas About Memory Development (Organized by Rebecca L. Gómez and Nora S. Newcombe)


Future Global Change and Cognition(Organized by Stephan Lewandowsky)
Experience-Induced Neuroplasticity: Evidence from Bilingualism (Organized by Ellen Bialystok and Judith Kroll)
Memory & the Law: Lessons from Cases (Organized by Martin A. Conway and Mark A. Howe)
Exploring the Canine Mind: Studies of Dog Cognition (Organized by William A. Roberts)


Motivations, Emotions, and Cognition: What Am I Afraid of, and Why Does It Matter? (Organized by Thomas H. Carr)
The American Journal of Psychology: 
Celebrating 125 Years of Contributions Shaping Contemporary Scientific Psychology (Organized by Robert Proctor)
The Adaptive Nature of Memory Illusions: Positive Consequences Can Arise from Illusory Memories (Organized by Mark Howe)
Psychonomics without Experiments? Discovering Psychological Principles by Mining Large Data Sets (Organized by Robert Goldstone)


Wayfinding in the Seattle Public Library: What can we learn about navigational styles? (Organized by Laura Carlson & Amy Shelton)
Psychocinematics: Exploring cognition at the movies (Organized by Arthur Shimamura)


Practical benefits of Bayesian data analysis (Organized by John K. Kruschke)
Using ERPs to track visuospatial cognition as it happens (Organized John J. McDonald)
Criteria, confidence, and recognition memory (Organized by Ian G. Dobbins)
Aesthetic science: Psychophysical and neuroscientific approaches (Organized by Stephen E. Palmer)


What are we learning from fMRI about the neural mechanisms of source memory? (Organized by Karen Mitchell)
Wandering minds and brains (Organized by Michael Kane & Jonathan Schooler)
Visual simulation in conceptual processing (Organized by Haline Schendan)
Darwinian themes in contemporary psychology (Organized by Sara Shettleworth)


Time and time again(Organized by Ralph Miller)
The gist of aging: Implications for cognitive neuroscience(Organized by Robyn E Holliday & Timothy N. Odegard)
Psychology and the law: Emerging trends addressed by empirical studies (Organized by Thomas Busey)
Language as a tool for thinking (Organized by Lera Boroditsky & Dedre Gentner)


Mechanisms of cognitive development: Domain-general learning or domain-specific constraints? (Organized by Vladimir M. Sloutsky)
Reuniting motivation and cognition: Motivational factors in learning and performance (Organized by W. Todd Maddox & Arthur B. Markman)
Embodied perception and cognition (Organized by Maggie Shiffrar)
Toward a cognitive psychology of collective memory: Methods, data, and theory (Organized by Amanda J. Barnier)


Is reinforcement learning coming of age? (Organized by Jonathan D. Cohen & Randall O’Reilly)
Cognitive aging: Genetics, behavior, neuroscience, and technology (Organized by Soledad Ballesteros & Lars-Goran Nilsson)
Advances in Prospective Memory (Organized by Peter Graf)
Statistical learning: Mechanisms and limitations(Organized by Morten H. Christiansen)


Applying cognition to education (Organized by Mark A. McDaniel & Ayanna K. Thomas)
The effect of emotion on declarative memory (Organized by Morris Moscovitch, Adam K. Anderson, & Deborah Talmi)
Event memory (Organized by Thomas F. Shipley)


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