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Website FAQs

1. How do I login?
2. What's my username?
3. How do I change my password? 
4. How do I update my profile?
5. How do I make profile information private?
6. How do I sign up for the PS Mailing List if I'm not a member?
7. How do I comment on the Featured Content if I'm not a member?


How do I login?
To login, use the Sign In link located at the top of each page on the website.

What's my username?
Your username is the email address your registered with, either on the previous PS website or here. If you have forgotten your username, please email info AT psychonomic DOT org to get your username. 

How do I change my password?
To change your password, sign in to the website.  On the very top of the website page, click on "Manage Profile". In the Information & Settings section, click Edit Bio. Click on "change". Be sure to click accept the Terms of Use and Save Changes to ensure that your updates are saved.


How do I update my profile?
After you have signed in, click on Manage Profile at the top of the webpage. In the Information & Settings section, click Edit Bio. Be sure to click accept the Terms of Use and Save Changes to ensure that your updates are saved.

How do I make profile information private?
You can make profile information private through your Profile Home or Manage Profile pages. If you are unsure of how to get there, please see "How do I update my profile?" for direction.

If there is an icon of a person with a small red lock next to profile information, this means that information is public. If you see a red lock, it means to information is private. To change from public to private or private to public, click on the icon. Select the setting you would like.

If there is a red lock and you are not able to change the setting, it has been set to that level by administration and cannot be changed.


How do I sign up for the PS Mailing List if I am a non-member?
If you are not a member of the Psychonomic Society but would like to be notified of upcoming Psychonomic Society events, please click here to join the mailing list. 


How do I comment on the Featured Content if I'm not a member?
If you are not a member of the Psychonomic Society but would like to comment on the Featured Content, you can join the Psychonomic Society by becoming a non-member. To create an account as a non-member, click here.

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