Psychonomic Society/Women in Cognitive Science Networking Award for Junior Scientists
The PS/WiCS Networking Award for Junior Scientists is designed to encourage graduate students, postdocs, and assistant professors to participate in and network at the Psychonomic Society's Annual Meeting. Presenting one’s research at professional meetings such as the PS Annual Meeting is an important way for individuals to become known in the professional community and to develop collaborative relationships with other professionals in the field.
Comparative Cognition Society
Graduate Student Awards
CCS gives out a number of graduate students awards annually. All awards come with a free CCS membership. All award winners will be announced at a live event during CO3.
- Best Talk, Sponsored by the Psychonomic Society [No application required]
This award is for the best 5-minute talk by a current graduate student, to be based on pre-recorded talks this year. All graduate student talks will be automatically entered in the competition (including those competing for the Ron Weisman award; a student may not win both awards in the same year). The winner will be determined by a vote of conference attendees. The award comes with $300 provided by the Psychonomic Society. - Best Poster, Sponsored by the Psychonomic Society [No application required]
This award is for the best poster presentation by a current graduate student. All graduate student posters will be automatically entered in the competition. The winner will be determined by a vote of conference attendees. The award comes with $300 provided by the Psychonomic Society. - Best Graduate Student Publication Award [Application deadline extended to: January 12, 2024]
This award is for the best paper, published in the past year by a graduate student CCS member (as first author) on any topic within comparative cognition. The award comes with $300 provided, this year, by the Psychonomic Society. Instructions on how to apply for the award can be found here: - Psychonomic Society Travel Award, Sponsored by the Psychonomic Society [Application deadline January 19, 2024]
This award supports travel expenses by a graduate student member or post-doctoral member of the society with a $300 prize. Instructions on how to apply for the award can be found here:
Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science Award for Best Poster
Presented at the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting
The Society for Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Science (previously American Psychological Association’s Division 3) is pleased to partner with the Psychonomic Society to recognize exceptional work by an early career colleague. One award is given annually except in 2023.
Psychonomic Society/Women in Cognitive Science Travel and Networking Award for Junior Scientists
Presented at the WiCS affiliate meeting during the Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting.
Two awards will be given to qualified candidates from any area of the Psychonomic Society who have had a presentation accepted at the annual meeting, to facilitate networking with two senior scientists at the annual meeting.