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Virtual Psychonomics 2020 Annual Meeting








2020 Annual Meeting

Join over 3,500 of your colleagues at the Psychonomic Society's 61st Annual Meeting, happening online November 19-22, 2020. Attendees are cognitive psychologists from more than 50 countries, including some of the field’s most distinguished researchers, innovative early career investigators, and graduate students already making important scientific contributions.

The meeting will be held in Eastern Standard Time (EST).

 Important Dates
 Registration Opens  August 28
 Registration Deadline
November 21*
 Virtual Psychonomics Starts
 November 19
 Questions? Contact Member Services

* Registration will be accepted on a rolling basis through the end of the conference; however, it may take up to 6 hours from the time a person registers to the time they gain access to the online meeting platform. Meeting attendees are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible in order to avoid delayed access to the meeting.

  What is the Psychonomic Society?
The Psychonomic Society is the preeminent society for the experimental study of cognition. Members are scientists who study how the mind works and advance the basic science of behavior in areas that include memory, learning, problem solving, decision making, language, attention, and perception. Many members are concerned with the application of psychology to health, technology, and education, and often use converging methods such as neuroscience and computational science to achieve their research goals. Their work also connects with research in biology, chemistry, statistics, computer science, medicine, law, and business.

All attendees must register, including members who attend for free. Registration includes unlimited access to all symposia, talks, poster sessions, receptions, and exhibits. Registering online before the meeting helps prevent delayed access to the sessions during the days of the conference.

Registration Rates 
(Emeriti, Fellows, Member, and Student Members)
 Become a Member for Free!
Anyone who qualifies for Member or Student Member status with the Society and is not a current member may now join for free (2020 dues waived) and attend the Annual Meeting for free.
Please consider joining the society. Membership is inexpensive (it's less than the registration fee!).
Join or Renew Now
 $75 USD
 Undergraduates  FREE
Registration closes November 21*

* Registration will be accepted on a rolling basis through the end of the conference; however, it may take up to 24 hours from the time a person registers to the time they gain access to the online meeting platform. Meeting attendees are strongly encouraged to register as soon as possible in order to avoid delayed access to the meeting.

Abstract Books
You can now view and download the 2020 Program (PDF). No Abstract Books will be printed this year. The meeting's Mobile App is also available for download. Use the app to browse sessions and create your own customized schedule.

  Availability Online
All talks and posters will be accessible online for six months after the meeting. All individuals who registered for the meeting will have access to these recordings.

  Statement on Harassment
The Psychonomic Society is an inclusive and welcoming organization, and our meeting should reflect those values. Conference attendees and visitors should enjoy freedom of speech, freedom of thought, and freedom from harassment of all kinds. Recent events in the media remind us that academic settings are where we must be especially vigilant. As a scientific society, we do not want to police behavior, nor do we wish to dampen the professional and personal interactions that are so important to our meeting. But we do encourage members to take into account others’ perspectives and consider how a question, comment, or invitation might be received when there is a power differential between parties. No attendee should feel vulnerable to harassment at our meetings, or feel that they are enduring a climate of fear or hostility. Let’s all work together to ensure that our values of inclusion, respect, and professionalism are philosophies that are enjoyed by all of our members and attendees.

  Special Assistance
The Psychonomic Society wishes to ensure that no individual is excluded because of the absence of auxiliary aids or services identified in the Americans with Disabilities Act. If you require special assistance during the meeting, please complete the appropriate section of the online registration form or e-mail

  Program and Conference Organization
The Secretary, Reed Hunt, has the responsibility for organizing the program, and the Program Committee reviews all submissions. They do so with the indispensable help of Lou Shomette, Executive Director; Tiffany Aurora, Director of Membership, Marketing, & Communications; Stephanie Dylkiewicz, Director of Meetings; and Brianna Johnson, Director of Operations.


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