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Amsterdam, The Netherlands
10-12 May 2018



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Family Care Grants

CLOSED: The application deadline was 15 April 2018.

Psychonomic Society Family Care Grants support attendees who incur extra family care expenses necessary to attend the 2018 Psychonomics International meeting (i.e., extra daycare, babysitting services, elder care, or care of a family member with disabilities). Up to 10 grants (up to $500 USD) to help defray those expenses will be awarded.

Eligibility and Terms

Psychonomic Society members with one or more dependent who requires childcare, elder care, or care due to disability are eligible for a grant. Preference is given to applicants in the early stages of their careers or for whom attending this particular meeting is especially important for professional development (e.g., a critical point in the tenure trajectory or a student or postdoc on the job market).

  • Grant recipients must be a current Psychonomic Society member.
  • Grant recipients must be registered for the 2018 Psychonomics International meeting in Amsterdam. 
  • Only one parent/caregiver for a single family may apply.

In the future, preference will be given to those who did not receive funding in the previous year.

Reimbursements will be distributed after the meeting. Recipients must complete a reimbursement form included with the award notification and submit it with scanned original receipts by email no later than two weeks following the event. Reimbursement may be requested for eligible expenses up to the maximum amount of the grant. Expenses that exceed the amount of the award are the sole responsibility of the recipient. No funds can be distributed until after the meeting, and no funds will be distributed on site at the meeting.

Allowable Expenses

  • Care at the meeting site.
  • Increased expenses at home incurred because the primary caregiver attended the meeting (for example, overtime at a daycare center, cost of a sitter, etc.)
  • Travel for a babysitter (or family member caregiver) to the meeting or your home.
  • Transportation to the caregiver.

Unallowable Expenses

  • Travel and other expenses related to the attendee's participation in the meeting (including registration and other expenses that would otherwise be incurred to attend).
  • Tickets to museums and other attractions
  • Meals
  • On-site transportation
  • Family care (nanny, babysitter, after-school care) not related to meeting attendance
  • Travel for the child, children, or adult who accompany the parent/caregiver to the meeting city.
  • Pet care expenses

Application Misrepresentation
The Psychonomic Society reserves the right to deny funds to applicants who misrepresent their need.

Changes in Circumstances

If the need for a grant changes after submitting an application, you must notify PS to explain. You will be notified if your need is still eligible for funding.

Nursing Mothers' Room
The nursing mothers’ room at the Beurs van Berlage is named Roland Holst Kamer is located on the second floor. The room is equipped with basic meeting room furniture, but no refrigerator. Attendees may not use this room for babysitting purposes.

Additional Accommodations
For other special needs or accommodations, please contact our secretariat, a minimum of 30 days prior to the meeting to discuss your specific needs.


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